Jesus and john wayne quotes
Jesus and john wayne quotes

jesus and john wayne quotes jesus and john wayne quotes

In college, I went to the Passion youth conference in Atlanta organized by Louie Giglio, and I remember a guy in our group saying, “I can’t believe they are letting a woman preach.” That woman was Beth Moore, who was permitted to do a group Bible study before thousands of attendees at one of the morning sessions. Neither my dad nor I were hunters, or fishermen for that matter, but we enjoyed the spectacle and the fun. They gave out camouflage pocket bibles many people wore John Deere hats and Bass Pro shirts. Years later I would go to Southeast Christian Church’s wild game night, a men’s event where all sorts of wild animal game could be eaten: squirrel, opossum, bison, deer. The Promise Keepers movement called men to be faithful to their wives, leaders in their families, and, above all, committed to a life in Christ. He was a large, enthusiastic man who gave us a powerful testimony of his life being turned around by Jesus. As a young boy, I went with my dad to Freedom Hall in Louisville, where along with thousands of other fathers and husbands and sons we went to worship and learn what it meant to be a Christian man.

Jesus and john wayne quotes